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White Feather


What makes you want to become an occupational therapist?

I believe we find healing in a certain routine and meaning in what we are doing. And that is occupational therapy. Not simply doing any activity, but doing useful tasks that gives them purpose and allowing them to become more productive in their daily lives.


Promoting health and well-being through meaningful activities is the calling of every occupational therapist. I love to see my clients enjoying the therapy progress and finding it meaningful in executing their daily tasks.

In your years in occupational therapy, what have you learnt most?

I learn that my clients are like plants, waiting to grow, flourish and bear fruits, while I am one of many, many gardeners that help to take care of them in a season of their lives. Throughout the years, I learn to sow many good things. I sow seeds of patience to accept them at the level that they are and working together with the parents towards a goal, I sow seeds of discernment to note when and how to make them calmer and more alert and I sow seeds of playfulness for them to enjoy doing a meaningful activity.

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Doctor and Patient
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